[email protected]

We have a rather unusual Unschooling life here right now, and we're in the
middle of it, but I thought you folks might be interested.

We're Unitarian Universalists (in fact, I work as a Director of Religous
Education for a UU church), and here in Boston right now is the annual gathering
of UU's, General Assembly. I have been before in different places, but this is
the first time it's been so close, and my family is joining me.

Yesterday was the first day we attended, and Julian and I went in. It was so
cool doing this with him. He had the option of us registering him and doing
all the youth stuff, but he wanted to go along with me. We did three workshops,
two of which were exceptional. The first was on modern slavery (there are more
slaves in the world today than any time in history, including many in the
US), and was incredible. If anyone wants to hear more, I'd be happy to share.
Julian was amazed, and wants to do some social action.

The second was on marriage rights, and the panel included reps from Canada,
VT, CT, and the main plaintiff in the MA case re: same sex marriage.

We also wandered the Exhibit hall, which has so much interesting stuff it's
amazing! There were also lots of people who hadn't seen Julian in a long time,
so I got to show off my tall, cool boy (which Julian actually just loves. He
smiles, talks about stuff he's doing, and stands VERY tall!).

Mostly it was a nice, exhausting day, and we have a couple more. It's also so
cool that in one weekend Julian will hear people like Tom Hayden, Julian
Bond, Frances Moore Lappe, etc. speak.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[email protected]

<<It's also so
cool that in one weekend Julian will hear people like Tom Hayden, Julian
Bond, Frances Moore Lappe, etc. speak.>>

VERY cool!

<< the first was on modern slavery (there are more
slaves in the world today than any time in history, including many in the
US) >>

Absolute numbers, or proportionally?

With six billion people there are more of EVERYTHING people-wise, I'm
Anyone know when it was three billion and when we're expecting seven billion?

If it's a proportional thing, I'm guessing the definition of slavery has been
amended to "can't afford to move away" (land-serfs >> factory serfs?).
