[email protected]

In a message dated 6/27/2003 8:55:37 AM Central Daylight Time,
[email protected] writes:

> I think I get on my grand stand about organics and other food issues
> because the general public is getting their information from a media that is so
> often controlled by the big chemical companies. I just think every parent
> should know that in order to ripen strawberries more quickly(for example), they
> are being sprayed with ethanol in larger and larger quantities. Another
> farmer told my husband about this. It isn't just ethanol any more - it is other
> chemicals as well.

What a wonderfully interesting post, Madeline! Thank you for sharing.
We've become very much more concientious about what we eat, in our family,
too...after years of suffering from every allergy known to nature (it seems ;-),
chronic sinusitis, and--in my case--20 years of what *appears* to be rheumatoid
arthritis but always comes up negative on the blood test/marker...

We've made the switch almost entirely to "natural" beef, chicken, and pork
(raised for us by local farmers and thus quite affordable), free-range eggs,
organic produce (except during the winter; we have no source aside from our
garden and our CSA garden), and have seen our general well-being improve
dramatically. There are still plenty of less healthful habits that we've yet to
eliminate (all of us love our sugar, alas), but we're making small steps and not
only do we see the difference in our physical well-being, we all find the deeper
involvement in the entire process of acquiring and producing food (making
friends with the alternative farmers, joining a health food cooperative, working
together in our gardens, etc. ) *and* the political/environmental
contributions that such actions make, to be extremely gratifying.

~~~ Becky~~~

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president,
or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only
unpatriotic and servile,
but is morally treasonable to the American public."
---Theodore Roosevelt

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