[email protected]

Hello Shannon ,
No the one that shot thrue in the 90's was Hale Bop. Im pretty sure, does
that sound familiar?

[email protected]

Sorry about that Im still kind of shaky on sending these emails. Anyway your
vacation sounds wonderful. I live in NH, kind of in the country. When we go
out back at night and theres no moon. The stars look like they are so close ,
they'll fall on you. Well maybe not that close, but they are pretty bright.


[email protected]

Hey Shannon
Good job, you must be around my age because I was still in school myself
thats how I remembered it. My school made a huge deal of and and we did alot
of activities around it.


[email protected]

I understand that feeling. We used to have a cabin in Barnstead NH on Half
Moon lake and ..... the memories just make me want to cry. A place and a time
that can never be retrieved!!!


[email protected]

Hi Shannon
I know what you mean "unschooling moment". LOL I get them all the time. I
usually get this flash of insight that I remember about something. Its kind
of agravating sometimes because Ill only see bits and pieces of what Im
remembering and then I have to stop and think about it.. Some jerk just IM
about an erotic chat!! That agravates me!! Anyway, Your adventure sounds
like it was alot of fun! Where do you live that your so close to a
reservation? That would be really neat to visit one, I love that stuff. I
have always had a fasination with history and stuff, I would love to crawl
all over that place! I wish I could get my dd into it but so far NO interest.
oh well I guess Ill have to be patient, I am having a lesson this month on
patience!! LOL I guess its not something that comes easy to me. I just
turned 29 on the 17th . So we are about the same age!! Nice to know someone
my own age. I just switched my font is it bothering your eyes? I love the
way it looks but I think I need to change the color . Its freaking my eyes


[email protected]

Hi Shannon,
Thats okay if its not an Indian Res. I did think it was . I bet it is
beautiful. Thats okay about my font, I thought once I adjusted it in the
preferences that it would show up all the time. I guess not. Thats okay it
looks pretty to me.LOL I guess you could call me a sight person. We have alot
of those Forest preservations too. I think thats a great idea, my sister in
law owns land that is joined to a conservation. and you should see the
sights, it owned by the college on the corner of our street. So they do alot
of their projects out there and we like to tag along sometimes. They are
really nice about that.
