Shannon CC

Glad some of you enjoyed the links :-) Yup, I'm unschooling myself. I
decided I need a hobby. I need to use my brain for something other than
"mommy mommy mommy" all day long. Unfortunately, I need somthing I can
do with a very demanding, attention hungry, cute 17 m/o around! So I've
been "studying". Whatever gets my interest. For no particular reason, in
no particular order. I've always loved astronomy but never really
studied it. At first I thought "what are you going to do with this
info?". But then I realized the answer to that was "enjoy it!". I'm
having fun! We say part of unschooling is to have hobbies and interests
and passions that your kids can see you enjoying. I hope Bridget learns
to love astronomy too so we can share this! If not, oh well. *I* love it

Unfortunately, light pollution is pretty high where I am in Union
County, NJ. Ah well. I can make out Orion on a good night. But you can
also see the red glow from the nearby city. There is a local reservation
nearby where it's much better. I remember in the 80's going there to see
a commet (I have no memory of which one it was). So if we want to watch
the stars, we have to get in the car and take a short drive (less than
10 minutes) to do so. Standing in the yard only works on a very clear
night, and even then, we're missing so much.

But I love the moon! Even w/light pollution you can still make out the
features :-) Maybe not if you are in an actual city, I guess (we're in
the suburbs).

Jill "keep looking up". Do you remember the name of that show? Where he
used to say that at the end every time? I used to love it! I wonder if
it's still on? (or maybe I'm mis-remembering the quote?).


Dara McMichael

Shannon- I love the web site. It is very informative and
has fantastic pictures. Thanks!