[email protected]

On Tue, 24 Jun 2003 16:53:43 -0400 "Mary" <mummy124@...>
> Thing is, people in this house don't drink milk because I think it's
> for them. They (as in Joseph and Alyssa only) drink milk because they
> it. And Joseph has extremely sensitive taste so that if the organic
> doesn't taste the same, he won't drink it. Then I have to think if it's

> important enough "to me" to "force" him to stop.
I love milk. I drink it with most meals, I can't drink coffee without
half and half or cream, and when I'm having trouble eating I can always
drink milk. Rain and I got through 2 gallons a week, and I drink a lot
more than she does. I've never had excema, I have seasonal asthma and
allergies that come and go according to what's in bloom, and my weight is
in the low-normal range. I'm a euro-mutt (Hungarian, Danish, German,
Lithuanian). We try to get the no BHG hormone milk at Trader Joe's (it
tastes the same) but organic would be too much of a pinch in the

So, my mileage varies, and maybe your does too.
