[email protected]

In a message dated 6/22/2003 9:38:34 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
CelticFrau@... writes:
> They feel we should first make small talk with them, before asking to speak
> with their wives or children. Like, "Hi Mik, how are you today? Are you
> enjoying all this rain? (etc, etc)....Well, if she's not busy, can I speak
> to
> Barb?"
> I've gotten used to it and it is much more polite, but it's very hard for
> the
> kids...still working on it...but very different.

As a girl, I remember the reactions of my parents to my boyfriends' calls.
Some would just say, "Is Kelly home?" And then there was GEORGE:

Hello! (Obvious smile at the other end) Mrs. Dunlap? This is George Walker.
How are you?
Fine, George. You?
Doing Fine, Mrs. Dunlap. Keeping busy with school and the horses. If
Kelly's not busy, may I speak with her, please?
Sure. Just a minute.
Thank you.

Parents LIKED hearing that George was calling. <g>

Cameron had a friend that *sounded* like this. But he wasn't honest or
sincere. We (Ben and I ) called him Eddie Haskell.
Hello, Mrs. Lovejoy. Beautiful day, isn't it? Lovely dress you're
wearing---and your HAIR!

Only to turn around when he thought we weren't listening and be an ass.
NOTHING sincere about that boy!

I still adore George---and I think of him almost every time I hear my boys on
the phone. The sincerity was what makes the difference. George's mom is like
that---incredibly honest and sincere---and KIND.

If it's real, it's wonderful. If it's not, it's crap.


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