[email protected]

In a message dated 03/30/2000 1:10:36 PM Central Standard Time,
BandLHaney@... writes:

> I read John Holt's book
> "Learning All The Time" and it enlightened me on the subject. I just
> dropped the subject of reading and last night as I was reading a book to
> he said "Hay, I can read this, it's an easy reader." And he proceeded to
> read
> a few words! It was exciting!

I checked out that book today at the library, it took awhile, I had to be put
on the waiting list for it! I'm anxious to get started on it.
That's so exciting about your son trying to read. How proud you both must
be. It's almost like their first words when they're learning to talk, huh?
You just want to jump up and down, hehe.
Anyway, thanks for sharing that.
