Tia Leschke

> Just wondering, if anyone on the list HAS any natural remedies or ideas
> helping with "lows" in life. I have never been on any antidepressant (and
> after hearing these stories I'm SO GLAD I never tried them) but usually,
around my
> period, I get really down for a couple of days. Never suicidal, or unable
> get out of bed, but just kinda bummed, like I can only see the bad,
> things in my life, things never done or accomplished, etc. I am also an
> introvert and have been this way most of my life...sort of a melancholy
> I know for a while St. John's Wort was thought of as the natural answer,
> it never did a thing for me, and I've since heard it doesn't work.

I think there have been studies that show it does work, but I don't think
anything works for everyone, or all the time. Some of the things that have
helped me with PMS (thankfully almost a memory) are evening primrose oil,
chasteberry, and, and, at least one other that I'm not remembering. None of
them continued to work for long, so I had to keep changing. Now I use
natural progesterone cream for that and some other stuff like sore breasts.
Apparently it also encourages bone density growth, naturally a concern of
mine at this point.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin

Tia Leschke

> >
> > There is a lotion progesterin (sp) that is sold at the health food
> > You rub on your wrists or thighs a certain amount of days a month and it
> > help.

Just make sure you get the kind that actually has progesterone in it, not
just wild yam cream. They make the progesterone from wild yams, but our
bodies won't.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin