
> Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 13:17:44 EST
> From: MorelFam@...

>i am just surprised that he is not right there with you doing these. my
>seven year old cooks and cleans with me (plus on her own when i am busy with
>other things! she has required chores and cooks for fun.) to me it gives
>the wrong message if one is sitting vegging while someone else is work, work,
>working... we are all a team, we have work to do, we can talk about what
>game to play afterwards while we wash and dry these dishes.>

No, amazingly he has never been interested in anything around the house
like cleaning or cooking, even though he has seen his dad doing his share.
Even as a toddler, I tried to engage him in some of my household activities
but he never wanted to help, not even in food preparation. I have tried to
stress that everyone in the house has to take part in household upkeep,
even if it is just picking up one's own things, but without success. I just
keep working at it with different strategies. I'm just having one of those
weeks when everyone else's parenting style looks better than mine. Does
anyone else ever feel like that?

>Message: 18
> Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 13:17:47 EST
> From: MorelFam@...
<sometime in april is an official NO TV week, if you need some outside
>support! :)

I looked at their NO TV website, but I couldn't wait until the end of
April. The plugs came out of the TV today!

[email protected]

Olivia, Not only have I experienced a less than wonderful week as a parent,
but it has been a rather bumpy month for my oldest , & it has been difficult
at times to handle him. As he nears his 6th b-day, he is becoming more
likely to challenge rules, and has begun being smart-alec at times,too. He
does play with neighborhood kids, and I know he is "trying on" some other
peer behavior; I feel, however, I must remain consistent in what
is/isn'tacceptable. So, it is a "rough patch" that we are working through,
and it can be tiring. That is partly why I sought out a list such as this,
because my confidence has been shaken at times, and it helps to know that you
are not "the only one" when dealing with something. Hope next week is better
for you. Goodnight
all-- time to put the baby to bed.

[email protected]

karen and carol talked about finding moments for ourselves thruout the day,
this is true for me, too-- and susan said
<< imo when your lifestyle naturally

makes you happy then you are naturally recharged. >>
i just wanted to agree that being happy with your lifestyle and direction
includes meeting your own needs as well as those around you. what a relief
that not only are my kids and hubby's needs valid, but mine are too and we
all will flex for each other!! that to me is what makes hmschling a
lifestyle choice.