[email protected]

I have a really great Mom and son that started homeschooling this last year that are part of our support group.
Right now, her ex is giving her all sorts of hell about it and they're probably going to end up in court. Her ds was in a living hell while in school, and so much happier now, she'll do anything to protect him from that.
I can't give her a whole lot of advice,not having been in the situation myself. I only know the laws here, but not how they apply in a case like this. They have shared custody, but she has the bulk of the law on her side, I believe she's listed as the primary guardian (or however they word it).

Anyhoo, if anyone that has dealt with this type of thing feels inclined to offer some support or advice, I'd really appreciate it. She's really stressed out.
Email me and I'll forward it to her....starsuncloud@...


I'm divorced but have sole custody of my kids so I'm not sure if it's
the same thing. I wouldn't think there would be a problem as long as
your df is following the hs laws in your state. Is there a legal
hotline or legal aid or even a law school nearby that could check on
her rights more?

I wish her well.
