
We're into our fourth year of hs'ing and so far I've really lucked out
in the way of avoiding turning in any documentation. The first year we
moved out of district, the second year I guess they just forgot us and
the third year we tested thru Family Learning Org. for my ds (state
requirement for 8th grade, tho we don't really do grades), I didn't
need to worry about doing anyting for my dd becuz she was under six.

I was glad we did the testing tho becuz somebody recently turned me in
for educational neglect and I was able to show the social worker ds's
test scores. Ds is really into body boarding and surfing, we live on
the beach and I guess it upsets some people to see him out there in
the water so much.

Anyway, this year dd will be six and I know from other's that the
elementary school doesn't forget hs'ers and I have to report to the
high school for ds so I'm looking for an easy way to handle the
reporting part of hs'ing.

I'd like to hear how you folks handle this. I hate doing paper work
and wouldn't do anything if I had my way. I know my kids are learning
and don't really worry about it, could care less about the
educationalese of it all.

TIA. Aloha, Darlene