[email protected]

"Isn't that enough or are we being selfish? Any thoughts? Sandra, what's your
How can we handle this without leaving on bad terms? There I go with the word
bad, you know what I mean. Christopher doesn't want to loose the wonderful
relationship he has with his grandparents but they won't talk to him either and

he's in tears. I'm so angry that they are acting like this! Okay, I'm going to

breath now. Thank-you to anyone that can pass some wisdom to us."

It's called emotional blackmail. They are not healthy, happy people...why would you let them dictate your lives?

I've been reading Barbara Sher's "Wishcraft" and she talks about households that produce winners. She makes a point that winners are happy to see others acheiving their life goals, they enjoy seeing others succeed and applaud them.
Doesn't sound like you're surrounded by winners right now.

You are responsible for the happiness of yourself, your dh and son right now. Do what is right for you. It's not like you haven't held op3en the door for a good relationship with them, you aren't cutting yourselves off in any way!! THEY are.
You are not responsible for them any longer. You will write, visit etc...that's all you can do. Their anger and fear is not your problem.
Don't carry their garbage around with you.
