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While he's NOT an unschooler, he makes the case for us/me!!

My (six thinking hats) thots

Tim T


"The apparent purpose of education is to convince two thirds of the population that they really are stupid"
"Schools waste two thirds of the talent in society and universities sterilise the other third."

These quotes of mine may sound harsh and provocative but they are serious. Up to one third of youngsters (sometimes more) do well enough at school to go on to tertiary education and professional jobs. The remainder leave school with the notion that they are indeed 'stupid'. This self-image stays with them for the rest of their lives.

That is why teaching thinking for just five hours to unemployed youngsters on the Government New Deal programme increased the employment rate five hundred per cent. These youngsters suddenly realised they were not stupid at all.

That is why all schools should teach thinking and operacy as a core subject.

Edward de Bono Author, "The Six Thinking Hats"
5th January 2003