
Living in NC you get it a lot {even in this the more open-minded areas} but we get it a little less now.
Once they came up and I finally right out told them I was a pagan, they didn't know what it was {or maybe they were playing dumb just to see what flavor I was} so i finally said well you could call me a witch. They were nice about it but it was a short visit.And they haven't been back.
I got tired of wasting time explaining in my own yard what i did with my life to perfect strangers. {I mean thats why i joined these lists LOL}
After that I put a homemade sign with big letters beside my driveway {have a long driveway and live somewhat in the boonies} "Solicitors and trespassers not welcome" and we have the dogs outside and I have a bunch of "Beware of the Dogs" signs too. Even the mailman walks on eggshells here, LOL. Though the meter man comes right up with no hesitation.

<<Ack! That would drive me crazy! We've had two missionaries knocking our
door down and ringing the phone off the wall for almost three weeks. I've
explained to them that we aren't interested, we are moving and nine million
other things. I've asked them not to come by or call anymore (a friend's
mom gave them my number...another GRRR altogether!) but they still come.
Yesterday, there were four who came to the door and one was poking his nose
in the front room window trying to get the kids to open the door and another
was walking around to my backyard!! ....
My husband has a bumper sticker with two missionary-looking people carrying,
presumably, a bible. It has a large red circle around it and the picture is
crossed out. I'm about to slap it on my front door, tacky as it
is.....maybe then they will get the hint!>>

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