[email protected]

In a message dated 03/27/2000 5:26:58 PM Central Standard Time,
HPaulson5@... writes:

> I would love to hear
> how other families "do it"-- what kinds of things do you do on any given
> and how you engage your kids.

Oh I would also LOVE to hear what about everyones "unschooling days", I
realize all days are different, but just pick one out and tell us about it.



Karen and Kim

> So, while I do cherish
> this time in their lives, I can say that I do look forward to my kids being
> able to do a little more for themselves, too.

> By the end of the day I often feel that I
> have been putting fires out all day long. It will be easier when the 6 yo
> learns to read. I'm trying to treasure this short, precious time but I'm
> sooooo tired. I know these years will be gone before I know it.

My kids are 18, 16, 12 and 9. Believe me, it won't be too long before you'll be
wishing they asked for your involvement a bit more! There's no pleasing some
mothers <g> I can remember so clearly feeling the way you guys are now. And some
days my younger 2 are still more demanding than I would like - especially when
I'm suffering from PMS or such-like! But although my older ones still talk to me,
still include me in their lives, I'm ashamed to admit that in spite of having
spent all these years bringing them up to be independent - and succeeeding to a
large degree - some days I find I need to be needed! Ah well, even success has
its drawback :-)
