[email protected]

I have a lot to be proud of lately. Last Friday, my children did an act in
the Oregon homeschoolers Talent show. They are 9 and 10. My daughter was
scared to death, even cried before the show. (they are clowns) They have been
training the last year with a professional clown. I was not going to force
her to do the show, but I just behave calmly, like nerves are a part of
performing, which they are. Her brother was ready to go on and would have
been crushed had she decided not to. Plus, I knew she would have been
disappointed in herself if she hadn't. Well, they did it and the Triumphed!
(it wasn't a competition) But they were flawless... I was so proud of both of
them, but to be afraid like that then with a lift of the chin, do it

Then today, I got up early to write and by 11 I couldn't stand it anymore. I
went to bed and left the instructions that they could work on any type of
project they liked but had to clean the mess and no TV. I wondered briefly
what kind of shape the house would be in.

I woke to the smell of Chocolate chip cookies. Upon sleepy investigation, I
realized that they had not only baked the cookies(perfectly) but had cleaned
the mess and the living room! WOW!

I am so proud of them, they used problem solving skills, cooperation,
reading, math, and basic living skills, all without a single worksheet nor
any direction or cohersion from me:) LOL

Tooo cooool!
Teri Brown
Suite101 Unschooling Editor
Assistant Editor For Voices,
The Journal of the National Home Education Network www.nhen.org
Columnist For The Link: A Homeschooling Newspaper
Homeschooling - Christian Unschooling - Natural learning


WONDERFUL!!! Congratulations, and good for the kids!
