[email protected]

Erin, I agree that it would not be inspiring for my 5yo to keep a nature
journal by drawing pictures each day, or however often it would need to be
added to. Forcing it on him definitely wouldn't be the choice either--
(might as well send him to school). However, I got a discontinued wallpaper
sample book where all the pages are very neutral with very little print. I
am going to introduce it as a giant scrapbook to my boys and invite them to
glue pictures and photos in it, leaves and other nature finds, and any
artwork they may decide to create and add as well. Because many of the pgs
in the wallpaper book are textured, I think they might enjoy making some
rubbings with pencil and paper,too. * As an added thought, I am just
wondering if Mason advocated drawings in the journals due to there not being
too many other options at that point in time. I guess I mean that her ideas
could be modified to fit within today's "world"-- disposable cameras, wide
ranges of glues, and tons of inexpensive ready made art supplies. She could
encourage drawing, due to portability of pencil & eraser; likewise, so much
is easy and portable today that may not have been for her. As I have not
read her book yet, I may be presumptuous in this thought, but I just
wondered. Thanks for your input.

[email protected]

thanks for the info on the moores. what's ezzo and babywise?


Ezzo is a NUT! He hides behind religion (his own original church sensored
him and booted him out) and preaches that all children should be controlled
down to the last micro-second of their lives beginning with the day they
are born. They should be "trained" to sleep at given time and only be fed
at certain times. They should be spanked, yes spanked, if they don't sleep
when told to. He recommends carrying a "rod" in the diaper bag and using
it when "appropriate" to "train" the child! He has a website (I refuse to
dirty my computer by keeping it) and can be found by doing a web search.


> From: bctswim@...
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] mason and also the moores
> Date: Sunday, March 26, 2000 9:18 PM
> From: bctswim@...
> erin,
> thanks for the info on the moores. what's ezzo and babywise?
> bridget
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