[email protected]

i have a four year old boy too, and i can hear him saying the same type of
thing when he is dissatisfied. he has just moved into a new growth phase and
almost suddenly is requiring a new level of stimulation. its as if his mind
roams until it hits upon something and then he is happy and busy until he is
ready to do the next thing. to help out, i recently got some new art
supplies, playdough, little scissors, crayons, glue stick, etc. just so he
could have some resources to turn to, otherwise he would ask to watch tv or
play on the computer all day. plus, i put him to work. (sorting the
recycling, emptying dw, scrubbing off something, delivering things to where
they go in the house, etc.) before this recent change in him, he would amuse
himself for long periods playing with his trucks and tractors or whatever.
now he just is looking for more. anyway, all this to say that his comments
may be just a reflection (like you said) of him looking for a bit more, and
you can address that-- add some new activities, etc without attatching the
school issue perhaps. although it would be fun when he is in a good mood to
listen to him tell you what school might be like. or to make up stories
about it, fantasize what he would like it to be etc....