claudia partick

I just finished reading all the intros and now here is mine.

My name is Claudia I live in Kansas with my husband and 4yr old daughter,
We decided to homeschool Victoria when she was still very young. I love
to do research and so after we decided I set about reading as much as I
could about homeschooling
and that is how we ended up becoming unschoolers. I am now reading John
Holts books and they
just reinforce everything I knew in my heart and logical mind. I still have
the problem with testing or not
testing, I really like feedback and I still have the public school instilled
need for knowing if she is learning
I fight my urge to test her even informally. And everyonce and awhile she
will surprise me by knowing something I was sure she didn't.
I am so glad there is this list and site I don't know any unschooler in my
area everyone seems or school at home. and I just love getting email!!!!