The White's

Hi Buzz (Debbie),
My kids and I participated in a hatching last year. We got the still air
incubators & the eggs from the extension agent and a short lesson from
someone with the University. My children quickly bored with turning the
eggs 3 times a day (they were at that time 6 & 2) so I did all "the work".

We did not hatch any of our eggs....all the literature we received from the
extension office said they would hatch in 21 days. At day 24 I got rid of
the eggs because I was afraid they would hatch & the chicks would be
malformed. Later I found out from others in my group that their eggs were
very late in hatching. I think our eggs were "old" since even those who
waited long enough only got aprx 2-5 chicks from 15 eggs.

So, my advice, don't give up too soon. I'm sure we would have had chicks if
we had waited another day or so. Also, be aware that you can't go out of
town without getting someone to "babysit" the eggs.

Our brooder was a very sturdy cardboard box with shredded newspaper and a
clip on light above it. Even though the kids tired of turning the eggs they
were VERY disappointed when we did not get chicks, they talked about them
all the time. Planned for them all the time. So I'm sure your family will
enjoy the experience.
