[email protected]

In a message dated 5/31/2003 10:14:07 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
[email protected] writes:

> Casey discovered "The Raven" while watching The Simpson's once and
> has delved into anthologies of Poe's poetry since that time. We've
> also read Poe's bio and discussed some of the conditions and language
> differences of those times and circumstances in Poe's life that
> caused him to write such dark material. We've read and re-read the
> poetry for meaning, style and language. We've talked about other
> styles of poetry and how they compare. Casey's written her own poetry
> and once created a hard bound book of her poems which she donated to
> the library. (I'm not sure what they did with it. <g>)

A week behind. Pardon my tardiness...

I heard on Paul Harvey years and years ago that there's a possibility
(someone's maybe doing an autopsy???) EA Poe was a victim of a rabid animal bite. His
terminal illness/death had many of symptoms of rabies.

Some more info ...maybe?


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


>> I heard on Paul Harvey years and years ago that there's a
possibility (someone's maybe doing an autopsy???) EA Poe was a victim
of a rabid animal bite. His terminal illness/death had many of
symptoms of rabies.
> Some more info ...maybe?>>

We haven't read anything about that yet. Sorry. But it sounds
interesting to know more about. Time to Google! <g>

Life is good.