[email protected]

In a message dated 6/6/03 6:17:17 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
bunsofaluminum60@... writes:

> Hi ~Mary
> You asked in SOME post, SOME where, whether your logic fit in with
> Holt. I clicked around some, trying to figure out where you were
> coming from in the math/calculator thread. Couldn't find what you had
> said.
> LOLAnyway, I think getting into the problem IS the way to think well,
> whether math probs or otherwise. Not fishing around for the right
> answer, but seeing oneself IN it, and figuring it out from there. If
> you posted about that, then yeah, you were following Holt logic!
> L I find Yahoo lists difficult to follow a thread. In fact! I
> went "up thread" on a topic today, and ended up reading something
> posted in the year 2000.!!!
> HeidiC(razy)

Hey Heidi,

This is Rhonda. I was actually the one that asked you for clarification on
the Holt thought process. It was about when I was young and in school I could
never show my work in math. I always put myself in the problem and found my
answer that way. I gave the train analogy to Timbuctoo. LOL I thought you meant
that my though process was very Holt like and probably why I frustrated most
teacher and myself for not being able to to their way.

Thanks for answering though, sorry Mary, I probably pasted something with
your name on it.

Rhonda - who loves to Astrally Project

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