[email protected]

Around here, way down south, it's easy to tell the difference between a
school project and a personal project. It's all in the way someone says the word.
If its a project, the normal, correct way to ennunicate and pronounce the
word, then its just a personal something you working on at your own leisure. My
kids have several projects going all the time. A Lego city, a poster they
are coloring, an concoction in a jar, raising puppies, etc etc. JP might say..
I just added a new building to my lego project.

Now, if someone is talking about a school project.. It becomes a Pro-JECT.
With the emphasis clearly on the JECT. It's just like when the clerk at
Wal-mart comes on the intercom and calles for the RE-turns."aisle 5, come to the
front for your RE-turns" LOL, I could die laughing. Or when someone is being
derogatory and says RE-tard. If the emphasis is on the wrong syllable ,
it's probably not a good thing.. :-)


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