[email protected]

The whole mirror thing makes for great pictures, too. I sat my little 6 month old in front of a big mirror and snapped off dozens of pictures (digital) of her grinning at herself, talking to herself, flapping her arms, touching her own hand, and looking at the camera *through* the mirror. It made for some interesting photos to send home to the grandmas


Tia Leschke

> The whole mirror thing makes for great pictures, too. I sat my little 6
month old in front of a big mirror and snapped off dozens of pictures
(digital) of her grinning at herself, talking to herself, flapping her arms,
touching her own hand, and looking at the camera *through* the mirror. It
made for some interesting photos to send home to the grandmas

Lars took a really cool picture of himself in the car, using the little
mirror on the visor above the passenger seat. I was surprised at how well
it turned out.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin

[email protected]

<< The whole mirror thing >>

It is John Hol"t" (not "d"), just in case anyone wants (or needs <g>)
clarification! Lara.......