[email protected]

In a message dated 6/3/2003 1:20:11 AM Eastern Standard Time,
[email protected] writes:

> >>BTW, I love my husband...he looks like a cross between Walter
> Matthau and Danny Devito, but he's sexy to me. ;o)>>
> How sweet. :o) My husband was once mistaken for Jason Alexander (the
> guy who played George Costanza on Seinfeld.) He was walking down the
> street during the Sundance Film Festival and somebody across the
> street starting yelling "Hey George!"

I'm cracking up. A while ago I bought my partner, Beth, a Smokey the Bear
baseball cap. (She has this weird thing about Smokey-- wanted to be Smokey when
she was growing up). She's not usually a baseball cap kinda gal, but she loves

One day her hair had gotten a bit shaggy and she was weraing her glasses
(usually wears contacts), and she had the cap on.

She looked exactly like Michael Moore.


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