Tia Leschke

My mother is still hovering, mostly not in her body but sometimes there. My
sister had the idea when she went for a visit of singing some of the songs
we all used to sing as a family, and it seemed to go over well. I'd like to
do the same, but for most songs I only remember the first few lines. And
I'm guessing that looking over titles or first lines will remind me of other
songs I've forgotten. Anybody have favourite sites for finding folksong
lyrics? Sandra? Anybody else? I'm not looking so much for the traditional
folk songs that people collect, but more like girl scout or other camp

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin

[email protected]

In a message dated 6/2/03 2:27:07 PM, leschke@... writes:

<< Anybody have favourite sites for finding folksong

lyrics? Sandra? >>

Mudcat Cafe is one a lot of friends of mine use.

But you could also search Google with a line you know and the word "lyrics"
(which is what I usually do when I want to quote or find a song).




>In a message dated 6/2/03 2:27:07 PM, leschke@... writes:
><< Anybody have favourite sites for finding folksong
>lyrics? Sandra? >>

Then, Sandra wrote:

>Mudcat Cafe is one a lot of friends of mine use.
>But you could also search Google with a line you know and the word "lyrics"
>(which is what I usually do when I want to quote or find a song).

I do exactly this. I think there have only been one or two tunes I could
not find lyrics for using google. I do a lot of lyric searches, too.

Love to you and your mom and your family, Tia.


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