Shimokawa Family

OK, so maybe I didn't make myself very clear. I'm not worried that
Rachel isn't getting enough to eat. I know I have enough milk for her.
She's not particularly hungry at the dinner table, she just wants to
participate in something the rest of the family is obviously enjoying.
I was also wondering if maybe her body requirements - since she is so
big - are not satisfied by breastmilk alone. Like, I've heard (T or F?)
that a one year old needs different nutrients than a newborn, so I was
wondreing if that's because of size. With Mook, we used a blender, and
never bought baby food. He's so healthy.

The special toy at dinnertime was a good idea. I let her chew on the
tips (I was holding them) of some clean chopsticks. She LOVED that.

I'm also VERY interested in herbs, essential oils, and making soap,
candles, etc. Somebody (sorry - I forgot who) posted a vegetarian soap
making site (, so I visited it, and got really interested.
When we settle down (we'll be moving three times in three months!), I'm
going to start making soaps and growing herbs, etc.

Melanie in Japan