[email protected]

mummy124@... writes:

<< The funniest is Alyssa. She still calls the kitchen a chicken. Always has.
If you say go into the chicken, she looks at you like you're nuts. She knows
it's the kitchen but when she says it, it's always chicken. Sometimes she
even wants chicken from in the chicken!!!

Mary B

My grandparents tell a similar story about my Mom. For her Yellow was
Lellow, but if you said Lel-low to her she would shout....Not Lellow, Momma,
LEL-LOW! like you were a complete idiot. I can just imagine.

My son spoke in complete sentences so young I have none of these cute
stories, so I have to steal my Mom's!!

Although just last WEEK he discovered that zucchinis are not kiwis, when
I gave him a bite of my vegetables. He did NOT want kiwi with peppers and
onions, and I can't blame him.

I always wonder how I survived childhood, I misunderstood so many words.
Great vocabulary, not great usage. Guess he has this affliction as well. We
learn thru context, and sometimes we don't hear the word clearly. Good thing
no kids at school will make fun of him like they did me.


Mark & Kristin Shields

I used to say glop-glop for washcloth and my dad still mentions that one every chance he gets <G>. My favorite mispronunciation of my daughter is lemelope for envelope and we still talk about the lemelopes. My son has dyspraxia (speech disorder) so at 8.5 he still has tons of articulation problems. He has so many and they are so inconsistent I can't even think of a good example, but he cracks us up all the time. Unfortunately he also doesn't think it's funny at all.

-----Original Message-----
From: AimeeL73@... [SMTP:AimeeL73@...]
My grandparents tell a similar story about my Mom. For her Yellow was
Lellow, but if you said Lel-low to her she would shout....Not Lellow, Momma,
LEL-LOW! like you were a complete idiot. I can just imagine.

My son spoke in complete sentences so young I have none of these cute
stories, so I have to steal my Mom's!!

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