[email protected]

Was surfing on the TV tonight, didn't feel like doing anything like cleaning
this dirty house. Came across the show Extreme Makeover on Fox. Did anyone
else see this? I am shocked that people would watch this let alone actually
subject themselves to the pain and suffering that is involved in the cosmetic
surgery these people endured, in the name of "beauty", and feeling better about
themselves. I know what it is to not be a magazine cover, but do they really
believe that happiness comes from making the outside look "better" than before?
And the loved ones of these people, the husband saying"It is like my wedding
night all over again" Is this my imagination or is this exceptionally
shallow?If he loves her shouldn't he have the hots for her whether or not she has a
tummy tuck or breast augmentation or nose job?
Forgive my rant. I need to get out more or something, I am really bothered by
I don't want either of my children to feel they are anything but great,
regardless of how they look.
Nancy, steaming in BC

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Robyn Coburn

I have been watching this show almost from the beginning of the season,
and I have to say that most of the people have been so truly miserable
because of some physical "defect" (in their view), that the external
change was nothing compared to how radiant, confident and happy they
became inside. People have sat in the dentist's chair crying because now
they feel they can smile if they want to. Repeatedly people talk about
how they always felt judged, and now their true joyous personality is
free to come out. And one of the things that comes up again and again,
is how their self image problems all started with cruel comments at

Robyn Coburn

I am shocked that people would watch this let alone actually
subject themselves to the pain and suffering that is involved in the
cosmetic surgery these people endured, in the name of "beauty", and
feeling better about themselves. I know what it is to not be a magazine
cover, but do they really believe that happiness comes from making the
outside look "better" than before?

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[email protected]

In a message dated 22/05/2003 01:53:44 Pacific Daylight Time,
dezigna@... writes:

> Repeatedly people talk about
> how they always felt judged, and now their true joyous personality is
> free to come out. And one of the things that comes up again and again,
> is how their self image problems all started with cruel comments at
> school.

Good point, never looked at it that way.I guess that school thing would
affect things somewhat. How is it that some people with severe physical challenges
are still very happy with themselves? Yet, if you can ease someone's suffering
with such a change I suppose it could be worth it.
Nancy in BC

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[email protected]

In a message dated 22/05/2003 06:16:41 Pacific Daylight Time,
treegoddess@... writes:

> It wounds their souls. If going on this show helps
> them to heal and renew their outlook on their lives then more power to them.

I guess from that point of view it is valid. I just feel sad that personal
worth is wrapped up in appearance. I wish their souls weren't wounded by that in
the first place.As a very overweight person with a skin condition, I would
love to be fixed up, but I know that no matter the look on the outside, I am
still the same on the inside, and that for me, has had to come first as far as
work and repairs. It just seemed so shallow to me, I think I shall have to watch
an entire episode to form my opinion. Thanks for the food for thought.
Nancy in BC

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From: <treegoddess@...>

<<I was very skeptical when this show first came on, but after having
watched it just about every week I can say that
(IMO) it's not at all about the new boobs. These people truly come out
of their shells and feel that they can finally show their
face to the world and not be ashamed or afraid of being made fun of for
messed up teeth, a crooked nose, a flabby belly, a saggy chest, or

I saw a few shows quite awhile ago, I guess when they first started. Those
shows just seemed to be about liposuction, boob and nose jobs. It all seemed
very cosmetic and superficial. I did see another show awhile ago and that
one seemed more intent on actually haleping people who had been made fun of.
People who had features quite different from what is generally noticed as
acceptable. That show I liked. Haven't seen another since though so not sure
about last night. I was busy with kids, CMA awards and routing for Clay.

Mary B