[email protected]

In a message dated 5/21/03 4:03:45 PM, joannec28804@... writes:

<< The next day she went back to it and asked me: so you
really don't care how I do on this?

<<How do other people handle this kind of thing? >>

You could make an additional level of math-learning out of it. Get a
four-sided die from some D&D player, and tell her if she doesn't know, to roll that
and mark that answer (if it's multiple choice). If when she rolls it the
answer doesn't look right, roll again.

She'd probably do great if she did the whole TEST that way! (And she could
try it out on some other test just for grins!)


joanne comito

I like this idea...use the test for your own
purposes...I must be more school-brainwashed then I
thought as it never occurred to me to take the test
any other way than it's presented.
--- SandraDodd@... wrote:
> In a message dated 5/21/03 4:03:45 PM,
> joannec28804@... writes:
> << The next day she went back to it and asked me:
> so you
> really don't care how I do on this?
> <<How do other people handle this kind of thing? >>
> You could make an additional level of math-learning
> out of it. Get a
> four-sided die from some D&D player, and tell her if
> she doesn't know, to roll that
> and mark that answer (if it's multiple choice). If
> when she rolls it the
> answer doesn't look right, roll again.
> She'd probably do great if she did the whole TEST
> that way! (And she could
> try it out on some other test just for grins!)
> Sandra

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Check out "Coloring Outside the Lines" for his take on how to be desire-driven whine IN school - even THAT is possible.

My thot

Tim Thomas

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]