Ron and Stephanie


A SUPERWOMAN gets up in the morning, steps over the blanketed sleeping child
to let the dog out. She goes into the bathroom, and closed the door, but
still answers the questions that are whined her way. She comes out makes
breakfast, be it eggs, soup, or nachos. She then starts a load of laundry,
picks up a toy, heads to the living room to read. Sits down, opens her book,
closes her book, gets up goes into the kitchen, gives seconds, glasses of
juice and milk, and then starts the dishes. She goes back into the living
room to help one of the children find a shoe, and then starts cleaning out
under the sofa. The laundry is done, so she hangs the laundry up. She picks
up the breakfast leftovers, lets the dog in, feeds all the pets, and then
finishes the dishes. She eats the leftovers, and runs to catch the glass
that was put tooo close to the edge of the table. She finds the elusive pair
of socks, kisses her husband, hands him his keys, and makes sure he has the
keys to HIS car. (Not hers, again) She dresses the lagger, remembers that
she is in her robe, dresses herself, and then grabs books on the way out the
door. AND this is before any schooling!
I am not the thin, tall, brunette that Major Steve Austin adored.
I am in sweats, socks, and sneaks (matching if lucky)
I am not in red, white, and blue
I am using my fingers to tie my hair up
I am not the perfect hair person
I am with a wonderful, hard working man
I am not with an actor
I am a mother and wife, therefore all my days, in someone's eyes, I am a