Alan & Brenda Leonard

5/13/03 06:49:

> Any time I mention getting together at parties or field trips that
> they go on, he backs out. For example....there is a camp out in July
> that is only about 1/2 hour from us (sounded like fun to me). I told
> him tonight that I would like to go (even though DD is only 2) so that
> we can start to get to know the local homeschoolers and he does not
> want to go. His reasoning (if you can call if that) is that he
> doesn't want to go because he doesn't know anyone! I asked him how he
> thought we were going to get to know anyone if we never went to these
> things to get to know people?! He didn't really have an answer except
> that he has only ever camped with family.

Sounds perfectly logical to me! I'm not big on going to things where I
don't know anybody. I have a much easier time going to something that I
only know one person in the crowd, just because I feel a little safer.
Maybe your son feels the same way.

Can you go alone to something, perhaps not as long as the campout? Then you
could check out the scene, talk to other parents, and maybe get a phone
number or two. If you know people, he might be more relaxed about going.
