
MorelFam@... wrote:

> From: MorelFam@...
> sus,
> your point about being around negative people producing neg behavior is good,
> but was almost lost on me for trying to recover from your "birth vehicle"
> label on apparently another human being. whew! am i the only one that finds
> that deeply offensive???? have i misunderstood your use of the phrase?
> erin

i'm not at all offended. if i remember/understand it right, from sus's other
post, her 'mother' doesn't really act like a mother so why bestow that title on
her. it appears to me sus just giving her 'mother' the title that best fits her
actions and the role her 'mother' has chosen. at least that's how i interpreted


[email protected]

your point about being around negative people producing neg behavior is good,
but was almost lost on me for trying to recover from your "birth vehicle"
label on apparently another human being. whew! am i the only one that finds
that deeply offensive???? have i misunderstood your use of the phrase?