[email protected]

and probably a bit paranoid, but aren't you concerned someone will report you for not educating your kids? That would lead to such trouble here, I don't even want to think about it. My entire philosophy is the unschooling one, and always has been. Maybe I'm just tired of explaining myself all the time. On top of unschooling, I run punk and hardcore (music) shows, so I get a lot of strange looks, and many nasty comments. I try to remind myself that *I'm* right, but it's so nice to have people agree with me here.


[email protected]

In a message dated 5/11/03 11:10:11 PM, Smmecca22@... writes:

<< My entire philosophy is the unschooling one, and always has been. >>

If you take the steps to understand it even further, and to put it into
practice with your kids, you would find plenty of proof of their becoming
educated by learning from the activities and experiences of their everyday
lives that you would be able to explain what you were doing if it ever REALLY

Some parents keep a log of what kids learn at first so they can come to have
more confidence in natural learning.

It's not like "no instruction," it's like "perpetual field trip" (in
educator-concepts). We visit the real world every day. Schools take kids
into the real world maybe twice a year--a museum and a zoo, or a play and


Tia Leschke

> and probably a bit paranoid, but aren't you concerned someone will report
you for not educating your kids? That would lead to such trouble here, I
don't even want to think about it. My entire philosophy is the unschooling
one, and always has been. Maybe I'm just tired of explaining myself all the
time. On top of unschooling, I run punk and hardcore (music) shows, so I
get a lot of strange looks, and many nasty comments. I try to remind myself
that *I'm* right, but it's so nice to have people agree with me here.

I'm pretty sure there's not one state or province where you can't unschool
at all. In some, you have to jump through some hoops, but you can do it.
Number one - know the law where you live, not what someone else tells you it
says but what it actually says. Then find people in your state or province
who unschool and find out how they comply with the law.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
saftety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin


At 11:11 AM 5/12/03 -0400, Sandra wrote:
>It's not like "no instruction," it's like "perpetual field trip" (in
>educator-concepts). We visit the real world every day. Schools take kids
>into the real world maybe twice a year--a museum and a zoo, or a play and

And isn't it great! We go where we want, when we want, at the quietest
times. On weekends the pool is full and crazy; on weekdays at noon it is
lovely and quiet.

Whenever I see a school trip I think of all the work and fuss (and money!)
that went into it, just to do something we can do anyday. Of course, I know
that many kids would never get to go to the museum, library, or theatre if
not for school trips.

Donna Andrea in Nova Scotia