jmcseals SEALS

<<Just another step along the path. Another
opportunity to make this next step even better.>>


I'd love to know what's on your personal/spiritual growth bookshelf! Would
you mind sharing? Your insight amazes me!


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>> I'd love to know what's on your personal/spiritual growth
bookshelf! Would you mind sharing? >>

Let's see, the most basic of books for me is the Tao Te Ching. (I use
the Jane English translation.) I get something new each time I look
there. I also have some books interpreting the Tao such as The Tao of
Pooh by Hoff (pretty simple) and Embarking on The Way by Solala
Towler (a little more in-depth.)

I love to read anything from The Dalai Lama and especially like a
simple little book of his called The Dalai Lama's Book of Wisdom. I
also have one called The Art of Happiness that I haven't finished yet.

There's a great book on mindful parenting called Everday Blessings by
Jon and Myla Kabat-Zinn. Their descriptions of mindfullness at work
in our lives and our parenting has been very helpful to me.

My most recent read and my current favorite is The Power of NOW by
Eckhardt Tolle. Wonderful!

Life is good.

jmcseals SEALS

Thanks! I'll have to make a trip to the library soon! Jennifer

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