Tia Leschke

> I think it's just stress, really. My husband has been gone for weeks and
> won't be home until next weekend. I lost $300 in my house, somehow, and
> can't find it anywhere. I even dug through the trash, which had been at
> curb for at least two days. It was full of maggots. I stupidly made RICE
> for dinner and when I sat down to eat, I immediatly envisioned a plate
> of maggots and felt an instant wave of nausea and ran for the bathroom.
> What was I thinking???

> Ok, so tell me I'm being dumb. Tell me this too shall pass. Give me some
> wonderful bit of wisdom to carry me through the next two weeks before I go
> curriculum hunting in my garage! I *know* you can do it! <bg>

You're being dumb. This too shall pass. *If* you go curriculum hunting,
and actually start using it, your kids' behavior is going to get worse
rather than better.
Will that do it? <g>

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
saftety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin

jmcseals SEALS

<<I lost $300 in my house, somehow, and can't find it anywhere.>>

WE FOUND IT, WE FOUND IT!!!!!!! Doin' the happy dance! Actually, Nicholette
found it! She was looking for her bathing suit so she could play in the
rain and it was under some clothes in a laundry basket in the laundry room!

So, THAT'S where I put it! It's all coming flooding in now...the doorbell
rang and Ethan had just spilled the milk on th kitchen floor...I set my cell
phone and the envelope of money down to clean up the milk....grrrrr...why
couldn't my brain do this YESTERDAY?????

Jennifer, feeling OH so much better. Now I don't have to tell hubby. <beg>
Wheeeeee! (I like that!)

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At 13:36 5/10/03 -0500, you wrote:
><<I lost $300 in my house, somehow, and can't find it anywhere.>>
>WE FOUND IT, WE FOUND IT!!!!!!! Doin' the happy dance! Actually, Nicholette
>found it! She was looking for her bathing suit so she could play in the
>rain and it was under some clothes in a laundry basket in the laundry room!

YAY!!!!! I know how good it feels to find something you've misplaced,
especially a big, important something like a wad of dough! Congratulations!

Congrats to Nicholette, too! She must feel great!

Marji, whose kid has been naked all day long! What a life!

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Robyn Coburn

Please send good thoughts my way - I can't find dh's passport, and
Jayn's birth certificate, although my "papers" are where I thought I
left them. I remember deciding months ago to take them out of the
stationery storage box and put them ????? for safe keeping..but what did
I then do?

Robyn Coburn

<<YAY!!!!! I know how good it feels to find something you've misplaced,

especially a big, important something like a wad of dough!

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Oh, geez. Everybody is losing important stuff, huh? My husband
called to say he lost his jacket, possibly in a truck stop in Canada
but he's not sure, and it had his keys in it. All of them can be
replaced by copying my keys except the freaking ignition key. We
just got the van (used of course so the dealership can't help us) and
my door key was right but my ignition key was the wrong one. What is
going on? Some huge cosmic joke? The curriculum gods are hiding the
personal belongings of the unschoolers until we convert. Aaaaah!
