David & Debra

>It's a good idea to make sure what you are suggesting is legal.

Anne posts/sends only those offers made by the sites themselves directly
to her and her members - there are a lot of 'not quite legit' sites out
there - but hers is 100% legal (her husband is a police detective and she
is quite moral). She is a registered affiliate of most of the sites she
has codes for (Mother Nature, Planet Rx, Amazon, Border, Barnes & Noble,
Petsmart, Vitamins.com - and so on). In fact - for many of them, she has
been an affiliate for so long that she gets offers not available
Hope this eases your mind!

[email protected]

The fastest and most earger way for the kids to learn about percetiles is when
they started investing money in stocks. Here they have a chance to see the
activity of the market. They love to see how much they made sometimes
on a daily basis. Or they watch a stock for a while and do their calculations
before they trade. If you want, this can be done without real money in the
internet (for free) or they can have their own account with online access to
trade daily if they have the minimum required if not you have your own account
with your minimum and the kids can watch your shares activity.

For the younger ones, percentile is always challenging for them to take up
when it is their ownership at stake, like dividing the candies with sibling
something of that nature.
