
Greetings from "Lurking Lynn",
I have a grandson my husband and I are raising. He has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome with many psychological components. He is a very good reader/decoder (college level - lower comprehension about 3rd-4th grade). With repetition can do basic math. Has many interests but does not stick with anything long enough to really grasp it.

I have home schooled him most of his life (now almost 14). He is not able to function in public school setting. Because of my health, he has had a home teacher 3 days a week this past year.

I would really like to Unschool him but turning him lose without structure is like turning a tornado lose in the house. He loves using the computer but not for writing. He loves to read, but, never finishes anything. He has an "ear" for music and picks up melodies and can pick them out on the keyboard quickly, but has not been into that much for quite a while.

He loves taking electronics apart - even if we're still using them.

He seems to have many interests but not focused enough to profit from any of them.

Any suggestions?


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