[email protected]

Well, I'm finally caught up with my e-mail. It took me 4 days. I just love
this list.
I was delighted to see Sandra Dodd on the list. Sandra, if you're reading
this, I just want you to know that you introduced me to the idea of
unschooling. I had just made the decision to homeschool my children and I
read an article that you wrote in HEM.
It was titled "An Interview with Sandra Dodd".It was in the Jan./Feb. 1998
I know this because I made a copy of the article (it was a library mag.) and
hung it on my frig. so I could read it often (which I did). It was a source
of encouragement to me. I especially liked when you said "Try not to learn.
Don't try to learn".
I really believe that we learn some of the most important things in life just
by talking to people and sharing our lives with others.
I have enjoyed reading EVERYONE'S posts. Keep posting, everyone!
Mary Ellen.

[email protected]

In a message dated 6/6/1999 5:42:45 PM, Kitchen38@... wrote:

<<I was delighted to see Sandra Dodd on the list. Sandra, if you're reading
this, I just want you to know that you introduced me to the idea of

Thank you!

Wow. A photo of me. On someone's refrigerator, somewhere. (Where is your
refrigerator?) Oh, and words too. My words, on someone's refrigerator.

That makes me feel really cool. I think I'll go prance around my yard and
water trees or pull weeds or something with this happy-dance energy.


[email protected]

>>>>I know this because I made a copy of the article (it was a library mag.)
hung it on my frig. so I could read it often (which I did). It was a source
of encouragement to me. I especially liked when you said "Try not to learn.
Don't try to learn".

I smiled so big when I saw this, because, though I printed the interview out
from an online file and left it on my coffee table, it affected my life in
much the same way. <G>
Thanks from here too Sandra.

I just got home from my dd's end of the year awards ceremonies, where I
answerred many interested parents' questions regarding our plans for next
year. I could kick myself for ranting a bit about the lack of notice given
for events like this, bla bla bla. I did manage to talk a little about
homeschooling though~more confidently than I expected.

When I arrived home , however, I just collapsed into a ball of angst. I
can't believe how terrified I am, and didn't even realize it until today!
We've done this before-so why am I turning myself in knots?
Lack of support? Sure, but we've always had that.

I don't know. I do know that I came running to the computer, intending to
read about unschooling/homeschooling until' my eyes fall out today.
Well, that or take a nap. <g>


[email protected]

In a message dated 6/7/99 10:33:08 AM EST, stephaniecurrier@...

<< I don't know. I do know that I came running to the computer, intending to
read about unschooling/homeschooling until' my eyes fall out today >>
What you did girl, was run to the puter for support!! Hey, that's what the
list is for, yes? You just wait, by the end of the day you will be up and at
em! There are sooooo many cool things to do, and you don't have to do
anything! Except, I have to go collect my caterpillars before the birds get
them, I am bound and determined to have the boys see this butterfly process,
somehow we killed the last pillars we had, so sad! But, that is all I HAVE
to do and they will enjoy and learn.
Smile, take a nap and enjoy!
Teresa ; >

[email protected]

>>>>Except, I have to go collect my caterpillars before the birds get
them, I am bound and determined to have the boys see this butterfly
somehow we killed the last pillars we had, so sad! But, that is all I HAVE
to do and they will enjoy and learn.
Smile, take a nap and enjoy!
Teresa ; >>>>

Thanks Teresa.

Hey, We have two caterpillars outside on the parsely of all things.

That might not sound strange at first, but when you consider that we lined
the entire fence with "Butterfly Attracting" plants , well.......


[email protected]

In a message dated 6/7/99 11:21:29 AM EST, stephaniecurrier@...

<< hat might not sound strange at first, but when you consider that we lined
the entire fence with "Butterfly Attracting" plants , well.......
LOL! that is so funny! We bought this great butterfly plant and it came
equipped with three pillars. We were so excited, brought them in, put them
in little bug box with nice leaves, they ate that day and the next day they
died, just flat died! I was more upset then the boys. So now we start
again. Do you have this site?
<A HREF="http://butterflywebsite.com/">The Butterfly Website</A>
<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Shores/3225/butterfly.html">*
Butterfly's Page *
</A> I had an even nicer one but seem to have lost it. Rats!
Teresa ; >

Diana Asberry

I've had the same luck (or lack of it) with frogs: we bought a cute little
habitat called "surf frogs" (had a surf board, little beach hut...). Got the
tadpoles (2) , they started turning into frogs (actually came out of the
water) then they died... Each of them did this at different times, so I know
it wasn't a disease or something...
Heck the last tadpole survived the car trip from Indy to NH (16 hours)...we
stayed at a hotel, and in the morning we cked on it and it sprouted front
legs overnight!

----Original Message Follows----
From: Hsmotgo@...
Reply-To: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] All caught up. Whew!
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 13:05:40 EDT

From: Hsmotgo@...

In a message dated 6/7/99 11:21:29 AM EST, stephaniecurrier@...

<< hat might not sound strange at first, but when you consider that we lined
the entire fence with "Butterfly Attracting" plants , well.......
LOL! that is so funny! We bought this great butterfly plant and it came
equipped with three pillars. We were so excited, brought them in, put them
in little bug box with nice leaves, they ate that day and the next day they
died, just flat died! I was more upset then the boys. So now we start
again. Do you have this site?
<A HREF="http://butterflywebsite.com/">The Butterfly Website</A>
<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Shores/3225/butterfly.html">*
Butterfly's Page *
</A> I had an even nicer one but seem to have lost it. Rats!
Teresa ; >

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