Mark & Kristin Shields

For anyone interested, my daughter has spent two years in two different Sudbury schools. She was an unschooler until about 7.5 and her best unschooling friend started going to Cedarwood Sudbury School. I kept her home for another year and she really wanted to try it, so she went. The staff at both schools always said she was the perfect sort of kid to have there because she had no need to "deschool". She has always been incredibly self motivated. Now she is in her last month at Sudbury Maui and we have discussed unschooling again as soon as we move (hopefully this summer). She has had great experiences at these schools, but we don't want to have a school dictate where we live anymore. Plus, I prefer to have her home so we can do wonderful things together. If you have any questions about Sudbury schools I'd be happy to try to answer them. Also, Cedarwood has a very nice website too that discusses the whole philosophy.

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I highly recommend reading the stuff at the Sudbury page. Articles by
the students, by the teachers. They have a lengthy track record of
turning out literate, numerate, confident individuals, without any
external pressure of any sort. Kids just doing what they want to do
with their time, every day of the school year.

peace, HeidiC

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