
>In a message dated 2/15/2000 10:54:21 PM, [email protected]
><<I do not want my kids to be normal, they are wonderful
>and unique and exceptional human beings, why would I want to settle for
>Good! My personal sound bite is I don't want my kid to be "well-rounded".
>want him to be lumpy and bumpy and spiky and ideosyncratic.

I love this Betsy, along with the person you quoted.

Normal is so scary to me, and two of my nine kids are what I would class as
"Normal" and it scares me, I wonder at times where I went wrong to have
produced people who don't question the "Status Quo". The others are all
far from normal and definately ideosyncratic.

- Sue -

The Winona Farm in Minnesota Welcomes Unschoolers All Year Round
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"To believe in something, and not to live it, is to be dishonest."
-Mahatma Gandhi

[email protected]

In a message dated 2/15/2000 10:54:21 PM, [email protected]

<<I do not want my kids to be normal, they are wonderful

and unique and exceptional human beings, why would I want to settle for


Good! My personal sound bite is I don't want my kid to be "well-rounded". I
want him to be lumpy and bumpy and spiky and ideosyncratic.



on 2/16/00 7:31 AM, ECSamHill@... at ECSamHill@... wrote:

> Good! My personal sound bite is I don't want my kid to be "well-rounded". I
> want him to be lumpy and bumpy and spiky and ideosyncratic.

Hehe... I love that, Betsy!
Thea <metta@...>