jmcseals SEALS


Didn't you say your son is now in college?? If that is the case, it isn't
even necessary for me to state my opinions on the matter other than to say,
your son is an adult and HE is making the decision to take Ritalin at this
point. Obviously, you are very content with the decisions you and your son
have made and I think that's what matters for *you*.

(Please don't take this as though I am trying to be rude, as I am not. I
just don't know how else to say it so that it will make sense.) What we
think really doesn't matter in the end. We can offer our thoughts and
experiences for you to take or leave at will. If you feel like something is
rubbing you the wrong way, either you feel a hint of guilt for your decision
or you feel sound in your decision and want to help us understand. There
will always be those that won't understand, no matter how many times you try
to explain it to them. (Think unschooling!) I can see that you feel very
passionate about the improvements you have seen in your son as a result of
Ritalin. To that, I say GREAT! Seriously! The possible future
ramifications are something only you and your son will have to face. Not me
and not anyone else on this list. Kuddos to you for doing what you feel is
best for your family! That's not to say every comment should be discounted,
just that you have done what any of us would do and that is to make the best
informed decision with the information you have at hand.

Peace and Light,

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