[email protected]

I was very surprised to check my e-mail and find this rather
fiery discussion going on. I received that same e-mail
message on my private e-mail today also. I guess I just
want to ackowledge that I am a Christian unschooler(a bit
of an anomaly in my neck of the woods) and I have benefited
so much form the richness on this list. I realized early on
that my religious beliefs, although completely integral to
my daily life, were not necessarily shared by all the folks
on the list, nor did I expect them to be. Still, my educational
philosophies and passions for my children to grow and learn
in natural ways were echoed daily in the posts of the
unschooling parents. This is a huge encouragement to me.
I feel very "other" in my homeschooling community. In the
strongly Christian groups, the policy is "school-at-home"
so I don't fit perfectly there. In the diverse, freedom
oriented groups, my faith might be one of many, so I dont
totally fit in there. SO WHAT? If my goal is to only hang
with those who are exactly like me in every possible way,
what am I teaching my children? That the ultimate goal is
to find friends that are exactly like you, so you can be
comfortable at all times? ACK!! I am unapologetic about
my Christian faith, but I consider it completely in keeping
with that faith to be completely respectful of other people's
differing faiths and beliefs. I guess this hit a nerve for
me, huh? I've been pretty quiet, soaking up the good stuff.
I would hate to lose it, I suppose.
mom to jolie, lucy and mara
out of the closet jesus freak

The Mowery Family

>>>>Supposed to have a lot of snow. We are in the winter storm advisory
area. Yippee!! As long as I don't have to drive, I don't care. Just want
spring to get here soon, so the kids and I can play outdoors more. How much
snow do you have?<<<<

Hey Stephanie and Gayle,

I am in Eastpointe, and have family in Marysville and Midland. Perhaps
during one of the weekends with the inlaws we could meet somewhere.

Speaking of snow....it is piling down here. My hubby works for the City Of
Troy Streets Dept, I doubt we will see him until monday, then he will be
exhausted, and won't be fit to live with until wednesday. He will be
salting and plowing. Poor guy, sometimes after he is in the truck 16hrs, he
comes home and still hears the salt spreader in his head. Not complaining
tho, it is the snow and his overtime that makes it possible for me not to
work - and I say.....bring it on!!

Hope all drive safely,


Ron and Stephanie

What a great idea (still same heading too! LOL) I am in Your area quite
often... Swap children at the Detroit Zoo. That looks like I am swapping
children with the zoo, huh? That is where I meet with a friend to pick
up/drop off. Did you know I head a Michigan list, and that we do things
together? We have been quiet for a while, but with the time of year, well I
am sure you know... Wow, I am in Marysville all the time! It is a Small
world! I can feel for your husband, I only shovel the sidewalk and can hear
the noise all afternoon! Let me know how much snow you have, we have about 4
and it is still coming!