[email protected]

In a message dated 4/14/2003 11:37:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
rubyprincesstsg@... writes:

> Depends on the age of the child and if a parent is in close proximity to
> said
> event and can kinda of "shadow" monitor the child for danger. Sometimes
> those things do get out of hand and there can be violence. I only know this
> from seeing it on TV.

Hey, THIS has happened lately at PEACE rallies!


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Jeff & Kate Kerr

***<< Most of the "unusual" or "outside the norm/traditional" things he
short-lived. Experimentation. He's very up front about it all. No

Yeah, same here.
Trevor does the black nail polish once in a while. I think the
fascination is
already worn off though. I don't like the look, but I smiled and said
"whatever you like, it's YOUR body" and his Dad is extremely protective
his kids wearing and looking like whatever they choose.
Because of that, he knows that he can play with these looks and have a
supportive environment.

I like hearing things like this. My son, who is 8, has been wearing a
bra for the past year (I bought it for him and he stuffs it with the
plastic tops from the Bionicle containers). He wears it to bed, to the
beach, out to lunch, everywhere. He's gotten used to stares from
people, but he is protected by me, his dad and his papa from others who
want to comment.

When he was 2 1/2 he asked me if I would make him a sparkly dress (we
were watching a lot of Fred and Ginger movies at the time and he wanted
to be Ginger Rogers). We went to the fabric store and he picked out the
material and the pattern. It was a beautiful dress! and he wore it for
a few years - then I made him a new one and his sister wore the old one.

At a party one day (Robin - son - was about 4) I was talking to a male
teacher friend about unschooling, Robin's dress, etc.... He stared at
me in disbelief, I thought - oh boy, here it comes. Then he said very
quietly, "I wish my mom had made me a sparkly dress."

Made me glad that we are doing what we are for our children.

who spent the whole day at the beach with her dad and her kids flying
kites and visiting.


***<< Most of the "unusual" or "outside the norm/traditional" things he
short-lived. Experimentation. He's very up front about it all. No

Yeah, same here.
Trevor does the black nail polish once in a while. I think the
fascination is
already worn off though. I don't like the look, but I smiled and said
"whatever you like, it's YOUR body" and his Dad is extremely protective
his kids wearing and looking like whatever they choose.>>>

Dittoing this as well. Mine went through the pink, blue and purple hair. {even the then 2 year old} I liked the purple the best. It was semi-perm but because they had naturally blonde hair, and the two oldest's hair had a previous chemical {I'm a cosmetologist and streaked their hair for them} it grabbed. They wore it for a while but got tired of it and I got it out for them. They may try it again later, if so it's cool with me. There are worst things they could do....


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