[email protected]


When I read your post, my heart broke and tears welled up into my eyes. I cannot even begin to comprehend the agony of what you have been through. I cannot believe God wanted these things to happen to you, but I do believe that all things happen for a reason and are part of a greater plan that we can only hope to comprehend one day.

To the person that hurt you this badly I say, There is nothing worse than someone who commits atrocities and claims to be a Godly person. To me this is perversion in it's worst form.

To you I say, You are not and never were useless, and I know that God loved you the whole time. I cannot explain why you were allowed to be abused or why millions are hurt and suffer and starve etc. I have also gone through things, (not a severe as yours, but pretty awful) that I don't understand. But, you know what? God is using my hurtful experiences, even now, to reach out with compassion to others, because I've been there and I can relate to them.

I may have way overstepped my bounds here, but I felt so moved by what you said, I had to say something. Thanks for listening.

Betsy Wright

The Wright Way To Homeschool
email: deejay@...
I can do everything through Him who strengthens me. Phillipians 4:13

<<Hi Keith,

I don't believe in the christian god either, he let me down when as a small
child I did believe in him, he lets hundreds of children down each day, if
he was all powerful why does he allow children to die and suffer at the
hands of abusers? At the age of five after having a cigarette stubbed out
in the palm of my hand by a "gentleman" who loved quoting the bible, and
after being beaten for being stupid and falling off a swing and splitting
my head open, after having it stitched with no anesthetic, then being sent
to bed with no food and blood all through my hair. These were just two of
the too many incidents which told me that either I was a worthless nothing
who god cared nothing for or god didn't exist. I chose the latter.


>I may have way overstepped my bounds here, but I felt so moved by what
you said, I had to say something. Thanks for listening.
>Betsy Wright

No Betsy,

Thankyou for your sensitive email.

You did not overstep any bounds, you expressed compassion from what I
perceive to be a Christian viewpoint, and that is fine with me. I have no
problems with anyone elses faith or convictions. What I do have problems
is with the way some try to force their beliefs down the throats of others
and by doing so they devalue the beliefs of others.

Everyone's own beliefs are very important and very personal and should not
be belittled by others. I know many fine Chrisitians and like their
company, they are able to accept that I do not believe what they do and
just get on with our relationship, whatever that may be.

BTW I suffered at the hands of more than one person, for some strange
reason working in a children's home seems to dehumanize people, or maybe it
attracts the type of people who feel powerless in their own lives and
realize that when in control of a group of orphans, unwanted children etc
they are all powerfull.

I think I'm mostly over it now, it took me over 30 years before I could
talk about it, and only then could the healing really start to take effect.
In some ways I do think a difficult childhood can lead to increased
compassion for others, but I think it more often goes the other way and
produces people who pass the suffering on to their own children.

- Sue -

The Winona Farm in Minnesota Welcomes Unschoolers All Year Round
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"To believe in something, and not to live it, is to be dishonest."
-Mahatma Gandhi