Winifred Haun + Dancers

<<(yes, all you poor northern hemispherites, it's
summer and hot here).>>

Sorry, but I've been to New Zealand for your so-called summer and I must
say it was cold and rainy and never got hot (it was only 60 Degrees F,
that's 16 for you kiwis!). Going to the beach was a chilly experience.
Where in NZ do you live? I'll guess Gisbourne -- the only summery place
in NZ I know of.


4225 N. Oakley
Chicago, IL 60618



Hi Wini

Actually, that was me, Carol, speaking, not Michelle. I live west of Hamilton,
near Raglan, on the west coast of the North Island, and I promise you that it
has been warmer than 16 degrees lately. Not hot compared to some places, but
about 28 degrees and humid. I am just getting over a dose of sunburn -
foolishly thought that swimming in late afternoon I wouldn't need sunscreen.

Sorry you found New Zealand cold and wet. Places don't always live up to their
reputation - many years ago when we were travelling, we were in Scotland for 3
weeks and never saw a single cloud, but Hawaii, while hot, was very grey.


Winifred Haun + Dancers wrote:

> From: Winifred Haun + Dancers <wini@...>
> <<(yes, all you poor northern hemispherites, it's
> summer and hot here).>>
> Michelle:
> Sorry, but I've been to New Zealand for your so-called summer and I must
> say it was cold and rainy and never got hot (it was only 60 Degrees F,
> that's 16 for you kiwis!). Going to the beach was a chilly experience.
> Where in NZ do you live? I'll guess Gisbourne -- the only summery place
> in NZ I know of.
> Wini