k montoya

I asked Carla, 8, what she thinks of spanking...

"I do not like it, I think it is mean, I think they
(parents who still spank) do it just because they want
to. I don't think you have to have too many rules
exxcept for safety and health rules. I think it is
mean to limit things (tv, computer, etc.)

I think school is pretty much mean too 'cause people
make you do things you don't want to, I think school
should be fun." (she went to school for 1st grade,
loved it cause she had a COOL teacher and lasted 2
months of 2nd grade)

She paused, there was a silencen then she said:

"They (coercive parents) just treat them (their kids)
any old way like a ragdoll and I think that is very

Ted, 6, said,
"I don't want to talk about spanking...here's a pen,
let's enter the Hot Wheels contest, what's your email
mom, write it, WRITE IT!"

He survived 2 months of kindergarten before the kids
started to shame him for being too active, too loud,
too bouncy, etc.

The pen search commenced as we surf, watch subtitled
anime on one tv, Powerpuff Girls on the other tv and
they switch back and forth, poodle in tow, from one
'blankie nest' to another depending on which show is
interesting...it's 9:47, we will probably stay up
until Reign is on in an hour or so, they usually fall
asleep during that but I like the animation in it
<laughs>. Oops, Ted just pulled out my bellydance
drum, Carla joined him, so there is another thing to
do....which reminds me I have a new bellydance
exercise vid, which reminds me I will show Carla how
to hand sew bead trim on my new costume in the strong
sunlight tomorrow...and so it goes with our flow.
They can fall asleep watching either tv, snuggled with
me or alone and I will leave the aquarium light on in
the living room when I go to bed.


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