Joshua Heath

Hi everyone,
I am having a little difficulty today with my reactions to my childrens
sudden interest in guns. It has become a thing with the neighbours boy as
well.... and they are all here at my house building toy guns out of lego.
The only real guideline I have given is "no shooting at people" but I still
feel sick to my stomach when I watch them making gun noises and "playing"
with them. (And by the way spouting off a surprisingly vast body of
knouledge about different kinds etc.)
I have talked to my boys often about how guns are tools for either
protection or hunting, or weapons of war, but definately not toys. But
short of making a no-holds barred rule of "no toy guns of any sort" I am
figuring I will have to just accept their gun play as more of my problem
than theirs. We also don't have any "real" toy guns which I think helps a
lot. I would greatly appreciate hearing how other families have dealt with
this issue...
Has anyone gone the rout of taking up guns as an topic to study more in