
Here's a website that tells not only why the Christian author thinks
unschooling is wrong but also what [his version of] God thinks of

If you're a Christian Unschooler, you're obviously NOT one of the
Christian Homeschoolers that want unschooling to be illegal. That
doesn't mean the entire group of them doesn't exist.


[email protected]

In a message dated 4/10/2003 4:27:10 PM Eastern Standard Time,
sorcha-aisling@... writes:

> Here's a website that tells not only why the Christian author thinks
> unschooling is wrong but also what [his version of] God thinks of
> unschooling!
> .htm#I.%20Our%20Opinion%20of%20Unschooling

Oh, ick. I'm sorry I read that article.
Amy Kagey
E-mail me for a list of used
homeschooling books for sale!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Pamela Sorooshian

Lovely. I'm thrilled.

-pam the SICKENED

On Thursday, April 10, 2003, at 10:07 PM, SandraDodd@... wrote:

> early_academics_and_unschooling.htm
> Pam Sorooshian, did you know you're named and linked there?
> Kinda quoted, and the link is dead (the old CHN network news which is
> gone).