Tia Leschke

> What started this entire thread was a new person stating that they
> criticism because they KNEW they weren't doing everything right yet and
> someone else added they don't feel this is a safe place to ask questions
> are VALID to them.

When someone posts for the first time saying that they *expect* criticism,
they usually get it. It's confrontational. If you expect criticism, why
post? Especially when you're not even asking a question.
> Maybe some of the exact same advice should to like well, if you don't like
> the fact that a new family isn't completely doing the unschooling your
> be quiet and READ, wait for them to post, WAIT for them to ASK a question,
> get to know what they NEED from you as a part of the group, THEN offer
> advice on unschooling.

That would be fine, except that ignoring a post that says it's ok to
partially unschool gives that idea validity to some people reading the list
and might make that person's transition to unschooling take much longer than
it needs to.
> The only thing I've figured out is forget it, don't talk about it, ask a
> specific question take the answer or don't. Don't expect it the answer to
> sound kind and loving because no one is owed kindness or loving or maybe
> are just "reading" the words too hatefully your own self.
> Like it or leave it, this is it. There are mothers here who know the
> they've lived it, they've proved it works their way and there is only one
> true way to unschool and they can show you that way but only if you are
> willing to do what they say and forget all your preconceived notions about
> what unschooling might mean to you. It doesn't work any other way.

"By George, I think she's got it." <g> (My Fair Lady for those who don't
recognize it.)
> Thanks again for all the useful info and I think this thread was helpful
> It helped explore the dynamics and gave a glimpse into human nature and
> it works.
Good. I just wish we didn't have to do it so often. %^ (

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
saftety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin